Saturday, October 27, 2012

many world

como nada three raw eggs in a dish
place them under the bed 
two hundred marks made in blood
that looked like a cardiograph 
angus the cat staring at the cold spots 
thanks for teaching me so much witchstuff
the hill of the martyrs grant money
that dark place on palace avenue
heads of the native chiefs on stakes around the plaza
jackson was conceived during a conjugal visit
sheena is half navajo
theresa natalie mary kilpatrick
specter detector and the riveting story
do you hate talking to a wall
or do you love how it just reverberates back

i saw mr. president before the speech
i was using his microwave in the wings
he was shy to ask my affiliations
i wished him good luck and hoped he knew then

sad on the new carpet
baby and me in a box
what were we watching
why the hole in my hand

am i bouquet right now?
is everything bouquet?

She Really Let Herself Grow

he sent me a picture of a waterfall,

"I want to grow here and feel wet innocence"

he sent me an invention of an air piece
half eaten and still swallowing itself,
the candle loudly "lick"s

he sent to me a feeling of butterflies
with apple bodies heavy as birds,
licking at the heart of my stomach

"she really let herself grow"

when I grow inside my office I find apples,

old things:
hard-drives, memories

"I'd never leave"

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pre-fab, post-It

hold on to a 
dream freaky free 
of pointed fingers 
Dramatic Green Grass

just humble humble 
go about the office
with a translucent glaze
dolphin oil over everything

glaze should be thicker 
than longing for a whole pet
coming soon
trying to watch for comfort

but its a dark leaves feeling
like the tape from 1993
still says coming soon
for the trailers

and its dark leaves outside
its all a part of your design

Midnight Projections

at night
in an old way
I rub the thick, off-white 
dream balm 
into my temples
get milky clear
and feel about
all the day times 
with you in the desert

by midnight
heavy water
keeps me asleep
in an old way too

Saturday, October 13, 2012

My Bed Up There

in dreams,

subtleties become poignant frustration, half alive and half stiff like death

or just strange
and every five seconds the ghost mice scurry on the floor
leaving subtle brown tunnels

to wake up angry about nothing, about death
tell yourself again “I just have the time”
to be a lady with tunnels and time too
and to yearn always for the context
from a forgotten phantom or forgetful ghost
suggests a question of sexuality

in dreams,

suggestions are half stiff, like death
but light enough to wake a lady for five small seconds
enough time to see one mouse turn tunnel
and she could only be so lucky

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

see-thru love

i’m living in the lap
my spider leg eyelash

just rolling in oils

there is so much soap

waiting for number 10
feeling God’s phone vibrate eternally

(she who) tightens the throat,
can also be read as meaning

(she who) causes the throat to breath

either or she on my side
seeing through sun and haze