ladies ladies ladies
in the bathroom line
at grand central there
are so many rules on the walls
pee and behave yourselves rowdy
kids is on everybody's mind
t-shirt coordination and space
occupation chirping chicken
sending stagnant scrapple
smells in my christmas
outfit thinking about christmas
morning oriental grand central
scrapple flop cinnamon jesus
(remember field trip dizzy dizzy
memories matching t's clapping
calls responses matching
mima and christmas always
oriental dizzy dizzy baby
bodies bold nourished loud
station occupation others
are angry the chirping chickens
scrapple pile smells ceramic yellow
jesus yolks scrambled and cinnamon
flopped pine tree morning dizzy
dizzy grand central scrapple)
fortune cookies crushed in
revolving doors by warm
legs and the world is gold
in poles and globes and
one cube later the world
gets blue in whiskey
and spas blissfully
I still think of you Venus
of Willendorf mrs v. heiress
of coil pots green girls they
love the world with a capital
D like the vitamin how
does one ever cube it off ?
folding paper cubes dizzy
on the upper east side I
make all the sunny real
estate mine the green
and white fern covered
goblins under capital D
is why one looks at EVERYTHING
I am petting all the dog
walkers on the wet stone
I am really looking at EVERYTHING
join us for lunch at the
renaissance circle they are
now serving breakfast