to lately be sharing
my bed with just
it's fine
have you ever seen
a drawing made in
how when
lit from one end the
fire races along it
like a snake
all the way
to the other?
distortion high on
the fretboard sings
to me like that;
hot, sparkling
songs make me cry
daily but I can't
tell sometimes the
tears feel A.I.? like
tears very witness
or replicant as in
moved by not my
own heart but?
because I want it
like because they
are silk chiffon
the curtains I made
hover like
a dog
(*fog) like
once when I was 16
I left class because
I was stuck
in third person I
walked as far as
I couldn't stop
crying so hard that
my nose bled thick
dots onto the steps
where I was hiding
dad and us on the
fog beach with the
dog a treat in his
hand wind whipping
a strand of hair into
my mouth red jacket
lined w/ fleece b&w
striped shirt
I was this I was that
I was any thing
I can't really look
at those photos not
now, here knowing
what happens