Friday, August 25, 2023

it was a nun they say invented barbed wire

again pepper's ghost
advanced technology
folded away in the memory 
of nature with her toys
at work listening to Ulysses 
A LibriVox Recording
I'm falling back into Joyceland
my strange addiction 
I'm so superstitious 
everything a breadcrumb 
and then a packet in today's 
post from a lawyer 
who shares your first name 
which in Iran is maybe 
very common but to me 
it's only yours
as I scan the packet I think 
or think I ought to think 
that no matter how in agreement
two people are and no matter 
how intent they are to try 
it's dumb to think of love as possess-able
it just won't be possessed
but the way he jumps like a cat
to keep the balloon off the ground
the way he climbs his roof to sweep 
the redwood needles from the corrugated 
plastic skylight the way he touches my back
as I wash my face in the meantime
the cubicle the mail room
the printer room the inbox 
it’s a lot of alone
I think this life the runaway train
can only be slowed by obsession 
full immersion full absorption with detail
like the scientists on the radio
today one says humans when egged into 
existential dread or fear of mortality
are more comforted by a story of 
our uniqueness as individuals than
a story of solidarity with all animals
but if we’re told animals are special too
we feel better or something like that
or we are driven to compassion perhaps
I want to know the set up for these experiments
what they use to prompt the dread
then how they take it away
rare and mythic vs senseless thrum
insufferable Anais Nin says 
she loves her nightmares
that she doesn’t understand why Henry 
is trying to be a philosopher that philosophers 
are merely preparing for death 
classicists are dying as they try to dominate life
with philosophy while romantics are living it
but still, how to be big enough
when what scares me is so simple
inertia and irreverence
not caring when I should 
slipping backstage to just
project my hologram off of a mirror
and then eventually just 
leaving a statue in my place 
to do the reflecting