home 1
can’t put my foot down
on anything hard the bone that sticks out
until the alarm I cheat
pushing clouds from a central core
of blue sky in an organless body
with doves if I’m lucky
home 2
the sunny corner of a wooden table
before the kitchen window I will look out
in love, depending on strength the hardwood
I apply years of wear now how I want years of—
home 2a
the shop table from a grade school fully tagged
how Katya put it in her kitchen it’s soft surface
where I make your birthday card and sing oh
california so home especially when sung
home 3
I've been so dust to dust
as medicine for detail fever
or love as ancient knot, plus
the way you say lifest life
*home 3a
allergic to scope too like
bigness repped by one *word
it’s dizzy the circles I write
around, for instance,
the labyrinth on the cliff
wind, etc