Saturday, September 1, 2018
Intrepid Trips
I envy the free spirits and
empty people
another walking poem
turns out I needed a walk
more than the dog
there are more men and
there is more trash
so I don't look down anymore
everything is dead
turns out I just
needed to go back
to the neighborhood
to see the light on the mountain
the gasoline trees have grown
over the sidewalk
walking in the street instead
is basically how I feel
it wasn't so romantic this time
with my foot on the pedal
feel like a spring onion not
unlike the flower blooming
the train whistle reminds me
I'm just a guy who gets
unsettled, and spooked
by life sounds and travel
sleep has been revealing
such averageness
jerking off to the place where
purple and red meet
crying at the textures
of those fabrics
the moisture
the bleach stain on clean laundry
sex near the pond in the rain
no hat
I feel like god is kissing me
wake up and a dog
is kissing me remember
that horror story
who was really under the bed
but really I'm walking again
on the loud gravel
in the warm breeze
and the radio is reading my mind
I'm crying and it always
will be