Sunday, June 30, 2024

the last hour of the last day of cherries


what happens to your body when the snake is actually a stick?

I feel my life shrinking into a few obsessions,

sleepless on two couches pushed together while 

the real snake marks my parameters and

all day I dabble in crossing—

cherry picking with j and s j tells me about apple picking as a kid 

with a friend’s parents, he kept asking them 

when is this part of my life gonna be over

this reminds me of how he used to make a book with his hands and 

cover his face when he didn’t wan’t to talk or felt guilty

s fills her bucket quickly and lays down in the shade

maybe its better to think thematically, let memories 

unfurl outward like rays of sun

Friday, June 28, 2024

al oeste

I'm watching 
the witch on stage
do her mysterious
chanting but
the absence 
of your touch
keeps zapping me
in and out 
of body as
our friends kiss
behind me

pouring alcohol 
on sadness is like 
gasoline on a fire
we know
out of touch with
my dreams, too
they vanish more
with each alarm

but you were there
with a prettier girl
so I'm askew all day 
in the black hoodie
I need sleep
and a nod from you
some place to put 
this down

Thursday, June 27, 2024

baby bunny

heart pounding the by the river tracking 

sadness losing its thread I just

don’t want to be sad anymore

themes and theses caught on the bars of this situation

like a vine of dead stock flags

a snake swims towards me and I can’t really 

see anything the way the day ended for 4 hours 

in shades of gold


I'd like to see 
just a few small signs
to corroborate my path

I'd like to find 
some ember to blow on
in the ashes 

something other than noticing
that my bracelets are suddenly
slipping around on my wrists 

to replace the possibility
of your truck on my street
when I get home

all of the external forms are lovely
but the real work you have to do
is in the privacy of your own heart

yet I need to inventory forms
the fireworks perfectly framed
in the bathroom window

the fireworks over the field
in the fading light, a dirt lot
frayed flags strung between posts

certified dark sky community

waking up at dawn to pink streaks in the sky 

a window full of sky from the couch for my suffering 

head noise and lights on

the role of the pink streak

on his last day at the studio, rich made a grandfather clock from cardboard 

we had hoagies and took group photos 

later at the farm stand there were berries that looked like clear cinderella carriages 

then we swam upstream with geese whose strength impressed and disturbed me

their synchronized movements, breaking each other’s wakes

the fallen bridge under fallen trees

trust and varied circumstances are not mutually exclusive 

driving back to locktown on the gravel road with a beer I can live

I thought, how every mood is hooked deep in choice

she said they’re called the fence sitters

I will film L shoot her street light with a bb gun

we saw 4 fawns, 3 hamster sized bunnies, fireflies

sheets of rain came in onto the dinner table

he said, maybe the difference is that you like the wind

and I said yes type to me

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

bluets notes

blue tarps as the fingerprints of god
the hot pain of loneliness

talk about color 
as if it were a cure

through the window
I watch a blue tarp on the roof across the way
flap in the wind

in the case of color
unlike in other cases
false consciousness 
should be a cause for celebration

the whole shimmering mess

it is the business of the eye
to make colored forms 
out of what is essentially shimmering

a visual fire burns between our eyes
and what they behold

I will not choose between the blue things of the world
and the words that say them

I have been trying for some time now
to find dignity in my loneliness
I have been finding this 
hard to do

nothing but blue flowers = a pack of lies

when a woman drinks
it's as if an animal were drinking
or a child     - duras

what one achieves 
in divine darkness
unknowing, not ignorance
but an undoing
as if one knew once
then forgot

blue has no mind
it is not wise
nor does it promise any wisdom
it is beautiful

I think beauty neither obscures truth nor reveals it
likewise it leads neither towards justice nor away from it 
it is pharmakon
it radiates

the forest was translucent 

pharmakon means drug
whether poison or cure
an illness, its cause, its cure, 
a recipe, a charm
a substance, a spell, 
artificial color, and paint

writing is in fact 
an astonishing equalizer
I could have written half of these propositions
drunk or high for instance
and half sober
I could have written half in agonized tears
and half in a state of clinical detachment
now that they have been made to appear
at long last
running forward as one river
how could either of us 
tell the difference

is it a related form of aggrandizement
to inflate a heartbreak into a sort of allegory?
losing what one loves is simpler
more common than that
more precise
one could leave it too 
as it is

I can hardly remember what you look like
I can hardly see your face

what's past is past
one could leave it
as it is too

the afterimage

writing does something to memory
the image replaces the memory
it attempts to preserve

for to wish to forget how much you loved someone
and then, to actually forget
can feel, at times, like the slaughter of a beautiful bird 
who chose, by nothing short of grace
to make a habitat of your heart
I have heard that this pain can be converted
by accepting "the fundamental impermanence of all things" 
this acceptance bewilders me
sometimes it seems an act of will
at others, of surrender
often I feel myself to be rocking between them 

you cannot step into the same river twice

it seems that something 
is staying the same here
but what?

a fresh self
stepping into ever fresh waters

a rainbow boa named Buttercup
a rope of incandescence 

alcohol doesn't console
all it replaces is the lack of god

ask not what has been real
and what has been false
but what has been bitter 
and what has been sweet

looking for blue
for any blue thing
I found only tarps
always tarps

this time I learned my lesson
this time
I stopped hoping

the difficulty is that our moods 
do not believe in each other

love is not consolation
it is light        
when I was alive 
I aimed to be a student 
not of longing
but of light     - weil


rub my eyes
till I see the pixels 
thinking to the tune
of the humming industrial plant
across the field in front of me
what was the point
of sharing those stories with me
if I were to become just another love
you turned loose
at first to show I was the exception to the rule
then just as a warning
defeat and resignation
the sun burns my knees through my pants
thinking to the tune of lizards
rustling in the grass behind me
purple irises bloom in the manmade river
inside the central atrium of the office building
like cloistered nuns in their habits

taste of soap

he's soft and sweet on the phone
like he used to be
and it's better but 
I sob 
just for knowing 
I've never come quite that close
just for hoping
I will again

even if he doesn't ask the right questions
or remember that I love that song
I can't make any rules

in The Bell there's a sermon
about how it's a more worthy undertaking
to preserve one's innocence 
than to seek experience
then that very night a would-be priest
kisses a young man on the mouth
and everything tilts

inhaling clear pebble

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

between days

dream where the arroyo parkway becomes pasadena

mima was there on the back of my bike

dream livia had set up a circle

we were moving fast

dream of un-precious publishing disembodied 

rectangle block and white photo of a cloud

dream of wearing something in question 

a red sweater but political structure

on my shoulders plus a tattoo of

an upside down iguana chosen

from a group of live reptiles 

night (all ages)

one of those memorable nights for micro reasons

for how solitude holds season and ambience

the reggaeton on the soccer field 

the spotlights on wind’s gestures

life drags you, and people back to your heart 

sometimes we are together on flat planes

or pass through each other like archways

sometimes we contain others in love like the snake wrapped egg

on the park bench I feel beautiful in the way only a summer night,

alone, beauty slides around missing

ty said the world used to speak to him in images and now

on the bench a movie plays through my eyes but i’m in it too

this movie is just life, all possibilities of living weaving my two eyes

the music and wind are the same and i sit in their mesh

the party and wind and music become one painting and i'm in it

the night's edge has narrowed bringing me in

my bench is facing the vanishing point the frame is loose

the world will speak to me until 


my heart lags so far behind
all my knowing
and intentions

summer offers up tall grasses 
in warm wind
waving in my peripheral
it taps on my shoulder
but I can't 

I can't be simple with it
right now

the promises made
this time last year

vs. today's
you know where I live

drained from tears
like after swimming