Sunday, July 29, 2018

Kesey 2

dust devils in the field across the road
so big and swirling in hay
the sky is overcast with smoke from the fires south of us
this is a really scary thought
but if the big earthquake struck now
at least the resultant tsunami would put out the fires along the coast
maybe that is part of the earth's design 
to keep all of us dummies in check
mosquitos, tics, poison ivy etc.

there was a Masonic temple on fire
I ran into the building trying to save some vintage clothes inside
but it was haunted and every time I got down one flight of stairs 
the room would flash and turn from the entrance 
into another floor, another set of stairs down
then the freemasons started chasing me down the hall
wearing black masks 

the name for where they make iron is a "bloomery"
another iron working word that I like is "pig iron"