Tuesday, February 14, 2012

bet midrash 1

we hid underneath the table at 10 to peeping your orthopedic ankles creep onto the waxy floors flexing fleshy knees concealed florally arbitrarily and squeaking freaking a little spitty lip corner so sad and wet and so useless so strawberry-bald and mad had morah Sarah threw a chair or two before morah Etty throwing chairs and candy apple pears light white knives styro-plate situations make for the tu bishvat celebration the celebration of the trees and their leaves the waxy floors got clean

פעילויות יהודיות המפוקחים

consolidate the children given ani-cracks and appy-joo fructose medley driven in from turnpike two child style of chomp holy temples twitching with sweet waxy candle room wooden bench options for you and for him boil Shmuel canter Matt be good sing that now wash em down and up again we ch-oak-tree room eternity in tune with the dalet crew cargo kids ani-crack goo

פעילויות יהודיות המפוקחים

inside the stall heavy thighs stubborn size that Rachel girl lives behind the times with one Jesus tear and the browniesoft hair “stop domestic abuse” torn down and scooched Rachel I need this appy-joo and beige mouth glue and what even can I do my thighs are tied to the sterile and white hideout of choice no boys inside

לשחק השואה